Only One Solution

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Gal 4:19 – “I am again in labor until Christ is formed in you”

There couldn’t be a change of behavior until there was a change of identity. We were born sinners and sinners sin. In fact, they are slaves to sin. Sinners who clean up their sins, still only have “filthy rags”.

There was only one solution…
The old man, who was indwelt by sin, was crucified with Christ…
The new man, who is now indwelt by the life of Christ, was raised up with Christ. He is born again, “made the righteousness of Christ”, and clothed in “robes of righteousness”. Thereby you are loved and accepted as a gift of new birth based on His goodness—not yours.

Now the new life within us faints and stirs when we sin and act contrary to our identity as children of God. The Spirit is not trying to condemn us; Christ was already condemned for our sins. No, for “it is God who is at work in us” because “grace teaches us to say no to all ungodliness” through the outworking of the new man whose life is hidden with Christ–whose life is Christ’s!. The inward absence of peace that sin causes is the gentle and loving Father crying out in your heart “Abba” “Father”—you are my child. “I am” your all and all.

Because there was a change of identity, there follows the progressive change in behavior. By submitting ourselves to the Lord in obedience to the Word and the Spirit, we participate and invite the transformational working of the Spirit. And what is the Spirit after? Until Christ, His attitudes and behaviors of yielded dependence on the Father is formed and manifested in you and through you!