2025 CHANGED Conference
Love the Life you Live!
God created us to live a life we love!
The theme for the 2025 CHANGED Conference is SHOW US THE FATHER AND THAT WILL BE ENOUGH.
We are more than conquerors in Christ, so what is blocking our breakthrough into greater joy, peace, and confidence? God’s presence breaks strongholds to change your perspective and life. CHANGED is not about increasing knowledge or behavior modification but knowing the Father and Son more. This conference offers CHRIST Himself and will help you experience the presence and power of God.
You are going to want your friends and family to be here.
CHANGED is a conference for you to connect with God, experience breakthrough, refresh, and reboot. Thanks to our business sponsors, you can participate for only $40 per person ($75 value). Priced so you can share with others. Box lunch included.
$40 PER PERSON [$75 VALUE] Priced so you can share with others!
CHANGED Conference Location: Frontline Bible Church 8283 Pfeiffer Farms Drive SW Byron Center, MI
2025 CHANGED Conference Schedule — 9:00 am–3:30 pm
Doors open at 8:30 am — LOCATION: Frontline Bible Church (see address and map above)
8:30 am Greet & Seat
9:00 am WELCOME
WORSHIP by Jared & BrookeAnne
Show Us The Father by Theresa Slabbekoorn, Executive Director of Life Center
Through a brief survey of the Old Testament heroes of faith, you will see the key to their lasting change and miraculous breakthroughs.
10:00 am BREAK
10: 10 am BREAKOUT CLASSES (choose one from)
– GOD’S Presence Is Enough by Sarah Galle
The reality of Christ in our lives is rooted in God’s presence. Yet, we often are entangled in doubt and fear because of feelings or uncertainty about God as a Father. See how His presence is the most powerful, purposeful, and tangible reality that changes everything.
– God’s Gift Of Peace And Joy by Aleisha Boersema
Depression stems from the lies we believe and disappointments in others and ourselves. See how you have a new foundation of peace and joy in Christ.
– Your Redeemer Lives by Sheryl Idema
Overcome your battles with guilt, grief, and feelings of failure. See how God’s grace serves as the redemption from your past, providing you with strength and support for the future.
11:00 am Break (10 Minutes)
Access The Father by Theresa Slabbekoorn
Christ has not only shown us the Father, He brought us to the Father. Perfect love paved the pathway to the Father. Encounter God during this time of teaching and worship.
NOON–1pm Lunch & Fellowship Break — Pick up box lunch in Multi-Purpose Room
1:00 pm BREAKOUT CLASSES (choose one from)
– Out of Bondage Into God’s Grace by Lori Slabbekoorn
Striving for constant improvement often blocks healing and freedom. See how Christ removed the burden of trying harder to experience freedom from guilt, self-doubt, hyper-responsibility, and anxiety.
– Focus On Victory by Alex Franz
Your circumstances, past experiences, and the opinions of others do not dictate the outcome of your life. See how your mindset shapes your daily journey and determines your destination.
– Prayer Ministry Meeting [FREE] Go to Life Center Table
Meet with one of our disciplers to share where God is moving in your life. Our expert staff will pray with you and guide you into what God is doing.
2:00 pm Break (10 minutes)
Walk With The Father by Theresa Slabbekoorn
We have already inherited tomorrow’s blessing. See how to experience more of the peace, joy, and victory that your spirit already possesses.
Free Giveaways.
Q&A Panel.
Open Mic Testimonies.