Recommended Reading
These books are handpicked favorites of our staff and clients. Many resources tell us what to do, but these books tell us what Christ has done. Many of are so valuable that they are required reading for our Advanced Ministry Training students.
- Books to read for AMT
- You may click on the book below to purchase it from Amazon.
- Birth Order Book
- Birthright
- Bondage Breaker
- Christian's Secret of a Happy Life
- Dark Side of Faith, The
- Families Where Grace is in Place
- Financial Peace
- Foundations of Exchanged Life Counseling
- Freedom from the Performance Trap
- God on Mute
- Good Grief
- Good News for the Chemically Dependent
- Handbook to Happiness
- He Said, She Said
- Hearing Gods Heart in Divorce
- Love Life for Every Married Couple
- Man as Spirit, Soul, & Body
- Marriage, the Journey
- No More Faking Fine
- Normal Christian Life, The
- Parenting with Love and Logic
- Prodigal God, The
- Relational Soul, The
- Rest of the Gospel, The
- Sit, Walk, Stand
- Shame and Guilt
- Tired of Trying to Measure Up
- Twisted Scripture
- What God Wishes Christians Knew
- Winning the War in Your Mind
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At Life Center, we are passionate about sharing HIS LIFE with others. We are thrilled to include you in our monthly e-newsletter, E.P.I.C. Our purpose for providing this monthly communication is to ENCOURAGE you through stories of people who are now healed, freed, and walking in victory because of what God has done through Life Center. We PROVIDE links to classes and resources for your continued growth. We will INVEST in you by sharing ROOTED articles to challenge you so that you can then INVEST in others. We will CONNECT with you on social media and provide posts that you can share with others that invite them to connect with the Father. If you are on Facebook, find our page @LifeCenterGrandRapids. Like us. Share us.
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Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth.
— 2 Timothy 2:15